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Organizational Accreditation

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Yoga organizations may apply for accreditation with the following form that details the criteria for accreditation.

Applicants should also review the CYAI by-laws, especially the five mission statements prior to processing application to ensure their organization is in sync with the mission statements. The main criteria is adherence to the principles of yoga from the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and philosophical agreement with the CYAI mission statements.

Organizational Accreditation Application Form

This is to be used for applying for Council membership by any Institution that grants or intends to grant certifications in yoga. It is essential that the applicants download a copy of the Resolution of Intent and By-laws of CYAI prior to filling this form. This form is in Microsoft doc format and all answers can be entered directly without printing the document. Upon clicking the above link, a copy of the document will download into your download folder.