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CYAI is organized according to the following principles:

  • Defining yoga in terms of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and having standards that are not only based on practice approaches.
  • Application of yoga focused on all aspects of life and scientific knowledge, including different cultures and medical sciences. The intent being better global health, and global peace through recognition of unity in the diversity of religious traditions.
  • Active integration of traditional medicine concepts like bio-meridians (Naadis in Yoga, Mai in Chinese Medicine) to track impact of practices.
  • Use of scientific measurement tools (like Electro-Photonic Imaging [EPI]) to enable objective measurement and analysis of yogic practices.
  • Membership opened globally to all who have an interest in existential knowledge enhancement. Individual and organizational membership is open to all who wish to learn and impact the knowledge development process. Among them some organizations may seek accreditation and some individuals may seek certification.
  • Board membership expanded to include scientific and spiritual experts irrespective of religious affiliations.
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The Council has authorized 3 types of certification for individuals :

AYIAccredited Yoga Instructor who is eligible to teach a specific yoga regimen in which s/he has been trained, in a manner that is safe.

AYTAccredited Yoga Teacher who is certified as capable in customizing yoga exercises according to the need of an individual.

AYThAccredited Yoga Therapist who is certified as a specialist for remedial yoga therapy for specific disabilities or disease conditions.


This is the by-laws (or constitution as some call it) of CYAI. This is the governance document of the Accreditation Council. Besides the mission, it also describes the structure an rules of governance of the Council

All like minded individuals and institutions are encouraged to join this effort. Please click below register button for membership.