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Member Organizations



Founded by Swami Veda Bharati, AHYMSIN is a worldwide organization registered as a non-profit that is dedicated to making available and teaching the Himalayan Yoga Tradition as taught by Swami Rama of the Himalayas. The organization has in excess of 55 chapters worldwide in over 23 countries with 16 chapters in North America alone. The worldwide headquarters is located in Rishikesh, India.

Mahamandaleshwara Dr. Swami Veda Bharati serves as the Spiritual Guide.Activities include teaching the science of yoga, carrying out research and publication in the field of yoga and related branches of knowledge and performing acts of charity for the benefit of humanity.

Bhavan’s Yoga Bharati

Bhavan’s Yoga Bharati is an initiative of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan , an educational institution of national eminence, established by Kulpati Dr. K. M Munshi in 1938. Bhavan’s Yoga Bharati has an experience of 55 years since established in 1958. It is actively engaged in holistic training under the guidance of respected Dr. M.L. Shrikant, Chairman-Bhavan’s Campus, Andheri.

Under active advice of Yogacharya Dr. Hansraj Yadav, Prof. of S.P. Jain Institute of Management Research (Yoga) and Director of Bhavan’s Yoga Bharati, dedicated and highly motivated team of expert faculty has formulated a comprehensive practical system of self-culture which through changeable psychic potencies ultimately leads to physical well being, mental harmony, moral evaluation and habituation to spiritual consciousness.

The institution is committed to provide scientific, preventive and curative care within the reach of every individual in the society through ideology, technology and philosophy of yoga. The main aim is to make yoga socially relevant science by using the modern tools of scientific research. Main Objectives of Bhavan’s Yoga Bharati:

  • To promote positive good health through ancient Indian system of Yoga
  • Unraveling hidden dimensions of human potential
  • Integrated personality development through yoga
  • Yoga therapy for modern ailments
  • Yoga for corporate sector to deal with stress & tensions
  • To train teachers of yoga to teach in schools, colleges and corporate sector.
  • Bhavan’s Yoga Bharati through its ongoing research has put together psycho-physical and psycho-spiritual program for fitness and realization of mental potentialities.


Life in Yoga Institute

Life in Yoga Institute combines teaching, research and therapy of yoga in a unique way. It brings all aspects of yoga based on the Yoga Sutras with a scientific focus in its Life in Yoga 5-3-1 Approach. Following are the services of Life in Yoga:

  • Teaches accredited CME courses for Doctors and Medical Professionals
  • Trains teachers of Yog
  • Provides Individual Consulting for stress management or any specific therapy
  • Conducts Yoga Retreats and General Courses on Yoga
  • Conducts free daily yoga sessions on zoom interactive video and Youtube.

The support for all of these is the on-going research of yoga texts and life sciences and other scientific works. The founder of Life in Yoga is Dr. Rajan Narayanan who is well supported by a team of physicians, scientists and advanced students of yoga. Dr. Narayanan serves as the Executive Director of Institute and takes responsibilities for management of all activities, including curriculum development, teaching, therapy and research.

Sanjeev Krishna Yoga

Founded in 2003 in Dubai by Sanjeev Krishna, a Yoga Acharya affectionately addressed as “Guruji” by many in Dubai, the institution is well known for its stress management and life orientation program called Rhythm of Life. The institution rests on the wealth of experience of its founder. He was exposed to the knowledge Yogic wisdom from childhood. With a backing of nearly four decades of knowledge in the field of Yogic science, as a student, trainer, and as a practitioner in this unique knowledge, he finally decided to pursue his passion and true companion of his life in establishing this institution. He was awarded by the DOHMS (Department of health and medical services) during 2004 DSF for the awareness campaign conducted by the government for the contribution to world health through yoga.
